Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Week in the Life, here we come!

I am starting my week today and I may just have to use this blog to keep it up, or at least to go back for some ramdon notes. I did get some good pictures this morning of K and daddy snuggling, and some of dropping K off at school. I think that I will be pretty good at the picture part, just maybe not the written documenting. I'll make it work. I am going to print the instructions today and see what I really need to do.

The count down for the end of school has started and I am still amazed at how fast this year has flown by. Linds only has 4 more days of pre-school, then its off to Kindergarten in the fall. When did that happen??? Summer is just going to go way to fast, our calendar is more than half full at now.

Kaleb has 11 days left and then he is a first grader! He got a new bike last night and I really wanted to cry watching him. He's my baby and now he wants to bike to school all by himself. I'm afraid if I close my eyes he'll be 16 and driving away in his own car. How to let go, I guess that's something that as a parent we will always be stuggling with.

It's a busy week around here, tomorrow we are off to the goat farm with pre-school, then it's costume day at dance class, and finally pre-school picnic. Oh yeah and I have to throw a doctors appointment in there too. I am hoping that the long weekend will give me some time to just relax.


Cicada said...

Yeah, me too, the pictures for Ali's book have been the easiest; but writing things down has been more difficult! I am sort of combining a couple weeks, in fact, because I was sloppy with keeping track of things. I think it will come together fine, though.

I know what you mean about that summer calendar filling up so fast... and I also get nervous about how fast my kids are growing! I am not ready for them to start school...

Cicada said...
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ChristyR said...

I can tell you both that the feeling of them growing up too fast is how you will always feel and when they get to their teen years it's almost like a choking feeling. I become very possessive and already know I will have the "empty nest syndrome". I feel like crying when I think of how old they've become and that my daughter starts high school this year. A few summers ago the kids were with Tricia on vacation and I was completely miserable that I picked them up from the beach way early. Okay sorry this whole comment turned into something about me and my realization! I know being the type of mom you are you will savor every day!