Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ok so I am a little late, but I had a ton of things going on yesterday.

For NSD I worked at Memories, always a favorite thing to do. I got to teach my picture frame make/take! I had a blast, we were really hopping in the morning. We also had scrappin garage sale at the store, and that was wild. I didn't sell any of my things, but the people who did bring stuff in... Let's just say we opened at 9 am and by 10 there wasn't much left. There should be a few happy participants with lots of scrappin cash! Always a good thing.

I didn't really get to work on anything for myself, so when I came home I was totally in the mood. And I wipped out a couple of cute projects for a special person on Mother's day. Can't post pictures yet,never know who checks this.

Today we are off to mad town to visit with Grandparents in honor of their 65th wedding aniversary. Can you image 65 years together, what a journey. I really wished I could have gotten my hands on some photos of their wedding day. I would have loved to do a special framed page for a gift, but that idea came to late. I am off of make a special card anyway.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, happy scrappin!


itsjustshannon said...

It does sound like a very busy day! WOW 65 years...that is amazing! Congratulations to them!

ChristyR said...

65 years. If Shane and I make it to 65 years I'll be 85...I think we can do it! Sounds like you had a blast for NSD. I was so busy I only got a few segments of QVC! Bummer. Have a great Sunday!

~Mel said...

That's wonderful that they've been together for 65 years! I truly admire people who know that they're in it for the long haul, regardless of the good or bad times.

That's so sweet!