Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Goats, goats, and more goats!

Well we're back from trip one, and it was a great time. We visited a goat farm where there are currently over 600 goats! Wild! It was so hard to get good pictures, Linds was clinging to me for the first hour and then the second she was just running wild. I found a couple that I like. Now if I could just figure out how to use the silly Photoshop thing I got... I am having a bit of trouble figuring it out. Any of you with some experience I would love any advice you have to share. I do think i will head in to Barnes & Noble tonight and pick up a "how to" book.

We did get to taste some goat cheese, it was different, not something I would switch too, but there was one that was flavored with tomatoe and I thought that would be fabulous in lasagna. A few of the kids even got to milk a goat, they were so cute. Well it's off to dance class!
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Chris said...

Jealous! I would love to have the experience of milking an animal. I've said that I would love to milk a cow, but a goat would also work for me. :) Sounds like a fun expedition.

ChristyR said...

Awesome photos! I miss farms. They seem to be disappearing and the fact that kids can go explore..nice.