Monday, May 22, 2006


I hope everyone had a terrific weekend, I did! Jeff was gone to an archery tournament so I took over the kitchen table with my stampin/scrapin stuff and just went wild all weekend. Ok so I didn't scrap all that much. I finished up this page friday (another insperation), I wish the green peice with the pp on it was bigger, I had just the right color green, but only in an 8 1/2 x 11. Kaleb has taken to riding his bike around our gravel circle everyday after school. He does this all night long. Today we are off to get him a new bike. The little one in this picture he has had since he was three and it is a tad bit small. Ok so I have to tell you where the insperation came from. Have any of you ever shopped at stickerplanet ? I found this site when I was just starting out and was really into stickers. Well I have moved on, but I still love this site, mainly because I get their catalogs. I don't really buy all that much from them, but they have great papers and really great ideas to lift. So this one was pictured using the BG baby boy paper and I just fell in love with the LO. Ok so it is totally a blatant lift, but I worked it out so it's mine too. Oh and I used my new Calvin QK (loving that!). Chris asked what Studio I had gotten in my new toys post, it's the skinny mini. I already have the classic Studio, and it is a real favorite of mine. See if have issues and if I have a big size of something and then there is a small size I must have that too. Yes I need help.

This card I whipped up on Sunday, I am in another splitcoststampers swap and here it is.

Oooo, and I got my recipe swap finished! It should be in the mail to Christine today! It doesn't look at all like what I posted earlier and I am going to let you all be surprised. Now to decide which recipe for next month??? Posted by Picasa


ChristyR said...

Those are so beautiful!!!! I love it and so glad you had a weekend where you could pull your stuff out and just play! Love that!

Cicada said...

Wow, love that layout. Very cool! I'll have to check out the papers at that sticker site. I'm always on the lookout for cool stickers for Maddie; that looks like a great source! (Like I need another online site to shop from. Enabler.) :)