Monday, May 01, 2006

Found this on Shannon's blog, and I just felt like doing it too!

A- Age of 1st kiss: 12
B- Band you are listening to right now: no music happening at house right now
C- Crush: I think his name was Pete, that was in high school, now it's all about the hubby
D- dessert: Anything chocolate is good
E- Easiest person to talk to: My BFF Judy
F- Favorite ice cream: That double chocolate kind with brownie pieces
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears? Love Ju Jus, hate gummie anything
H- Happiest moment: Watching the McDonalds light come on at 5am while feeding my first baby
I- Instruments: clarinet in middle school
J- Junior high: Gompers Middle School
K- Kids: 2 for now 3 by october
L- Longest car ride ever: coming home from o'hare after being gone for two weeks, it really isn't a long drive, but I just wanted to be home so bad it seemed like forever
M- Messiest place in your house: our office/my craft area
N- Nicknames: Nickie, the only people who call me that are my old friends from high school, I went through a phase where I thought i would like to be called Nickie, then I grew out of it.
O- One wish: More time with my dh
P- Phobia(s): Surgery
Q- Quote: I say this to my dh all the time - "Life is not about being happy" yes I am a total pessamist
R -Reason to smile: two beautiful kids and number three on the way
S- Song you sang last: Something mc hammer, lins got into some old cd's today
T- Time you woke up today: 5:30ish this am
U- Where are you: the messy office/craft room
V- Victorious moment: my first day working at our LSS
W- Worst habit: food
X- X-rays you've had: broken arm
Y- Yoga or Yoda: Yoga, never done it, but I would try
Z-Zodiac sign: Libra


ChristyR said...

Ohh I'm a libra too! What day? Thanks for doing I feel as though I know you a little better.

Did you get my email about the recipe swap? I just want to make sure after reading about your computer!

Nicole said...

October 18

I did get the recipe swap stuff, thanks for asking. I am super excited to see and try all the recipes! Hope you don't mind, but I am going to do the same chicken recipe I did for CKU. My creative juices are running slow this time of year. Too many field trips, picnics and such to prepare for lately.