Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another day done, almost.

So we made it through yesterdays craziness. We had Linds' pre-school picnic and that didn't go so well. Linds wanted to bring watermelon and strawberries, all fine with that. Got everything cut up and set to go, off to the van and what do we do, dump the bowl of strawberries over, inside my van and not just on the floor but in between the front seats and into my organizer thing, what a sticky mess. Finally we get that cleaned up and off to the park we go. Shortly after we get there (maybe 15 min) it starts to rain, then quits, then starts raining harder and then the tornado sirens go off. Both K and Linds are terrified and I am like great now I have to run through the rain with two kids and a bag full of stuff and a huge bowl of cut watermelon. Forget the watermelon, just get the kids back in the van. Ok so I am completely soaked, we drive the 5 min back home and the rain stops the sun comes out and the rest of the night is completly beautiful. Go figure. And I am trying to do my week in the life and I don't even get a single picture of the craziness. LOL!!!

Today was smoother, thank God. Waited for the UPS man to bring us some stampin stuff (it was raining on and off all day and I didn't want my precious paper to get wet). Then took off to Madison for Barnes & Noble. I needed to have some sort of book on Photoshop and I think I found one that I really like. Back home, oh wait we had to stop at M's too. New perfect pearls to play with (maybe I should do another tutorial on that???). We did lunch in the van, can you beleive the kids wanted Subway? Yup there was no Happy Meals today! Back home with enough time to relax a little, throw in a load of laundry, work on my swap cards and then off to pick K from school. Wow when I jot this all down, I start to think that maybe it's ok that I am tired all the time. Tonight I really need to get the laundry done and finish my swap cards. It is an exciting life I know, but someone's got to do it!


itsjustshannon said...

Sounds like another busy day!!! Wasn't that weather crazy last night? You all got it alot worse than us. It mellowed before it got here.

ChristyR said...

Sounds like a very very busy day! Weather can be scary! I've been having bad dreams of tornados lately and I probably would have freaked out-you seemed to have handled it like a champ! Or a mom=). Have a great one!