Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Weekend Crop Project  Posted by Picasa

Ok blogger doesn't seem to be liking me today, here goes try number three.

I was working on prepping my class for tonight and got that done a whole lot faster than I thought, so I moved right on to project number two. I am trying to not be the deadline queen for this go round. I am teaching a class for the LSS weekend crop in a couple weeks and we are going to do this 12 x 12 frame. I tried to keep it simple so that my students could use their creativity to make it their own. So what da ya think? I think it needs something, if it were mine I might add a big monogram letter somewhere and maybe some loving words about my dh.


ChristyR said...

Love it!

itsjustshannon said...

Great layouts! Sounds like things have been crazy busy around there. You better get yourselves ready for that baby! He/She (I can't remember what you told me)will be here really soon and one thing about babies....they come when they want AND that could be early. You never know. Start that nesting!

Michelle said...

It's great! I love how the papers bring out the colors in the pictures.