Thursday, August 24, 2006

Horray for a new day!

So yesterday I was not at my finest and that is putting it mildly. It just seemed like one icky thing after another. I woke up at 2 am and did not go back to sleep, had a crying fit around 4 am, then another cry session at 8 am, finally pulled myself together and started doing laundry just in time to realize that my dog is way sick. Gotta love washing the same thing over and over again like four times to be exact. Oh and I had promised the kids we would have a picnic at the beach and play there yesterday. I was praying for rain all morning. Didn't happen, we did make it to the beach, wasn't so bad. I just remember why we never go to the beach, I HATE sand! I did manage to stop at the LSS and grab a new mag, so I sat on the beach and made myself happier by looking at great ideas. Now is it amazing that while we were gone, like 3+ hours the dog does not get sick at all, but now that we are back at home it's every 20-30 mins! Plus my poor dh had people waiting for the archery shop at least an hour before he even got done with UPS! These are the days we seriously rethink our lifes.

So I am very grateful that I got as full of a nights sleep as a very PG girl can get, and that today is a new day. I feel a little less stressed, and the dog seems better. Of course it's just like a child we have to take her to the vet this afternoon and she seems fine. I'm off to the showers, that should make me feel even better, clean hair, clean clothes that's is always a good thing.


Cicada said...

Oh, Nicole, I hope your week gets better! Hormones can be so wicked during pregnancy... and I remember being SO MAD when I couldn't sleep when I was pregnant too. So frustrating. It will get better! Schedule time for yourself somewhere in there... can you get a sitter or your mom to watch the kids and go do something by yourself for awhile!? It might help, I know that helps me, if I can force myself to do it...

Katie said...

Kids will be in school soon, kids will be in school soon, kids will be in school soon....just keep repeating that until they start! :) Then you can sleep the day away...ahhhhhh.

Yep, we've all been there. Pregnancy SUCKS!