Monday, August 28, 2006

I got a new toy!!!

I am so excited Jeff had the day off today and we took a trip to the camera store! I have been hemmin and hawwin about a new camera for awhile. Seems my little point and shoot has pasted its prime and well it was time to take the next step. I now am the proud owner of a Nikon D70s, whatever that means! We went with the Nikon cuz Jeff's old 35mm was a Nikon and he already had a very nice telephoto lens that would only work with another Nikon. Nice how they do that to ya. I have been reading the manual and playing with it for a couple hours now. I like these shots I got of the kids, not sure what settings I was using, but like 'em. It has been a rainy day here and I am so hoping that tomorrow the sun will shine, I wanna take my new toy outside. Posted by Picasa


itsjustshannon said...

Wohoo!!!! Yea!! If you figure out how to work your new one...will you show me? Still photo challenged here. I have a lot of learning to do.
Enjoy your new toy!

ChristyR said...

Wow! Have lots of fun with it!