Friday, July 07, 2006

Ever have one of those days...

Yesterday was one of those days where I am not really sure what happened, the day started and then it ended. It wasn't that I was doing so much, its more like I did way to many bits and pieces of stuff that I felt like I did nothing. Weird!

I did manage to get some cleaning done in the basement on wednesday am. It turned out to be better than expected. The cleaning was no fun, but I did find a couple bags of baby stuff (my fav infant things) that I thought were long gone. Made me smile and come september the little one won't have to go naked all the time! LOL!!!

If you're wondering, we are still in total limbo about a new house, we think, we want, we need, but then you look at the payment and go well maybe we can make this place work. If only $$ were no object??? I think we have just gotten way to used to the way things are and both Jeff and I are a little scared to make any changes.

The pics are from our trip to the pool on wednesday. Had a fabulous time, the kids were great and we even got ice cream cones on the way home. We are heading back to the pool this afternoon and both K & Linds have friends meeting them there! Posted by Picasa


itsjustshannon said...

Looks like a fun time at the pool! Weather has been sooooo nice!

That little one will be here in no time!

Cicada said...

Good pool pics! Yeah, house purchases are nothing to be impulsive about, best to think it all out!!

Katie said...

Thank goodness for the pools...the best kid-exhauster of all the summertime activities!

You guys will totally know if it is right to move...go with your gut. :)