Wednesday, June 07, 2006

We made it through the zoo!

Yesterday it was our turn at the Kindergarten field trip through the Henry Villas Zoo. Boy was I worried when I woke up to hear rain, and it just kept raining all morning while we were getting ready. But by the time we pulled into the school parking lot the rain had stopped. And even though we didn't see the sun shining all day we did not get any more rain! It really was quite pleasant, not to cold and we were not sweating to death in the sun. My backpack filled with water bottles did get heavy by the end of the day, but I just wanted to be prepared. We were prohibited from spending $$ at the zoo and I didn't want to take the chance that I would de-hydrate if the sun did shine. Silly me!

I didn't take a whole lot of photos, we were just at the zoo in April and you can only have so many pictures of the same zoo animals. I did however take a couple to document the day and this was one of my favorites. I took two like this and the second one was better, but I used the flash and we have a huge glare in one of the lenses in K's glasses. Anyone know how to photoshop out glares??? I tried and I just couldn't find anything. Granted I didn't try very hard, I will keep looking.

Kaleb's favorite thing was again the penguins, they really are interesting birds. I liked the wallabee the best. We saw him/her as we were going by and it was just hopping around like crazy. It's always fun to see animals in action and not just staring back at you.

Tomorrow is K's last day of Kindergarten and then he will officially be a first grader! YIKES! At least after school is finished we go into dance recital mode for Lindsay and that should keep my mind off Kaleb growing so fast. Oh yeah and i just remembered we need to start planning a birthday party for K too. Maybe i will work on that this weekend. I love to plan and have parties, I just always go way overboard and end up getting too stressed out. I'm thinking this year we'll just invite two or three friends and do lunch and maybe some play time at the park with cupcakes to end it all. I think I like doing parties just so I can do handmade invites. Posted by Picasa


ChristyR said...

Phew. I have been trying all day to leave you a comment. Bad Blogger.

Your son is so cute. He's gonna be breakin' them hearts when he grows up-if he's not already!

Sounds like perfect weather for anything outdoors. My favorite time to go to amusement parks is with rain. No lines and it's cool.

Congrats on your graduated kids!

Cicada said...

We are also in dance recital mode! Maddie's is this weekend, and the rehearsal is tonight.

Cute picture, love how you composed it with the animals over his shoulder...

I'm impressed that you do homemade playdate party invites! You are good!