Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mmmm, mmmm, good!

We went to the county dairy breakfast this morining and as usual it was wonderful! This year was the third time we have gone, but it was the first time that the meal was actually on a real farm. So besides a great start to the day we also got to see the milking barn, the cow barn with lots of cows. a horse, bunnies and new kitties. Linds thinks that Nana really needs to get a kitty (we can't have one here, I'm allergic). I am so in love with the picture of Linds with the kitty, it think it must be her wisps of hair. Sometimes I think she is just too cute for her own good, but then I remember I am so biased!

I am having way to much fun taking pictures lately and I think that it's because I am finally getting the hang of Photoshop, and I am really liking it! The only downfall is that I sit down at the PC and just start playing with pictures and then realize that I have been here for 3 hrs and have gotten nothing done. It's almost as bad as the Two Peas MB, LOL!!

I had a really great day yesterday, being Friday
and all makes it even better. Linds had her last day of pre-school and well it hit me harder than I thought it would. She wanted me to look through her evaluation folder and projects and as I read what her teachers said about her oh the tears started to flow. Linds being the smart cookie she is says to me, Mommy are you crying because I did so good in school? I told her yup. But really it must be from all these extra hormones.

Then friday night I had my stampin/scrapin group, LOVE that! I worked on my swap cards for Memories, their done. Then started in on a very special project. Grandma K asked me to make a special birthday card for one of her friends. It makes me feel so good to have someone want one of my cards for such a special occasion (it is grandma's friends 80th b-day). Got a great idea going before leaving (at close to midnight) and then finished it today.

Now I am back at the PC playing around with the photos I took and really wanting to scrap them. I think I will print my favs out and maybe do some scrappin tomorrow. I spent a little too much time in the sun the last few days and well my skin is looking as pink as Linds shirt in these pictures. Wonder how I will feel tomorrow??? Posted by Picasa


itsjustshannon said...

Sounds like the Breakfast on the Farm was great! Never been to one of those before being the city girl I am but always have heard about them.

Cicada said...

So sweet that you cried about Lindsay's school stuff... I bet it made her feel good that you were that happy.

I love how the cow is trying to reach your family in the pic... your dd *is* cutie, even tho we are all biased!!

ChristyR said...

How cute. When I see my daughter tenderly looking or being with something I sit in awe and think one day she'll be a mother. Your pictures are awesome. Your area seems so nice...I want to be there eating breakfast on a farm. Do they hold scrap retreats?