Monday, June 19, 2006

We made it through dance recital!

Ok so it was a long four days, but the kids were amazing! Kaleb was stuck with us on Wed and Thur, boy did he do a good job just sitting around and waiting (for what seemed like forever),

Linds was in a tap dance (yellow costume) where they danced to "You are my Sunshine", and she was a "Blue Ribbon Bunny" for ballet. I really think the bunnies were the hit of the first half. There were 12 little ones in her class and each of them did a super job, there was no crying or being afraid of going on stage, they all amazed me! The pictures are from Thursdays dress rehersal, no pictures allowed during the shows. I did order the DVD and they had a guy that takes digital photos through out the "real" shows and you sign up for which dances your child is in and then you get a whole CD full of all the pictures he took during your childs performances. I can't wait until I get that. I thought I had taken more pictures of the yellow costume, but then when I down-loaded I only had two.

Linds is still unsure if she wants to do dance next year, I really hope she does. And not just for the cute costumes, but for the little friends she will make. I just can't get over how cute they all were and how nicely they all played together while we waited for their numbers. No fighting, no crying, nothing but fun!

Now it is time to move on to my next project, which is not going to be getting ready for the upcoming scrap time with the WI cammandos this weekend. First I must get K's birthday party taken care of. We should have five extra boys on wednesday for food, fun and cake. I am hoping the weather is nice so we can play water games outside. So maybe by Thursday I can start getting my stuff in order for the first phase of "A Week In My Life" cropping on saturday. Hey Julie thanks for the invite, directions and pin! You are too sweet and I can't wait to hang out with everyone IRL! Posted by Picasa


ChristyR said...

Gorgeous! I hope she does dance next year too so I can benefit from all the cute pics!

Have fun at the crop this weekend. I wish I could be there! I'm sure you guys will have a blast!

I was wondering when you are due?
Have fun with all your planning this week!

Nicole said...


September 26 is D-day, but I am always late so my guess is the little one should come sometime the first couple of days in October. Although i am ready to be done now.

Vanessa B. said...

Super cute pics! Hope you have fun this weekend! Say "hi" to everybody!!

itsjustshannon said...

How cute is she!!!!!!!!!!! Too fun! Can't wait to see you Saturday!

Cicada said...

SO cute. Love the bunny one especially! I AGREE about the kids waiting to go onstage...Maddie and her friends had to wait so long, but they did well with it, I was amazed.

I also will be doing the majority of prep work on Thurs. and Fri for our crop, so you aren't alone-!