Monday, April 24, 2006

Ok so I let my updating go un-done for a few days, it has just been a little wierd around here with Jeff home. But today it is back to normal!!! Jeff is back to work and the kids are in school and it's just me the computer and a bowl of fresh pineapple! Can life get any better??? Ok so the the little thing excite me, but in the end all the little things make up the big things right?

Back on track, for those of you waiting on a little alcohol ink instructional it is coming. I need to take a couple pictures to go along with the notes, but if all goes well today I will have it for you later!

So what has been going on while I have been gone. Jeff and Kaleb did not have such good luck at the turkey hunting. From what dh says the area he hunts has been hit hard with weather and disease and there are just not the number of birds there used to be. They still had a good time, Kaleb got to play hookey from school all day wednesday and then for the mornings on Thursday and Friday. He really loves hanging out with daddy, but I do think he was happy to sleep until 6 this morn and not get up at 4.

Lindsay and I did the garage sale thing on saturday. We found some clothes for her and a couple things for K. I looked at baby stuff, but I am not ready to get anything yet. A friend of mine had a sale at her house and I took a box full of stamps and other stuff over. I made out pretty good, the box was a whole lot lighter when I brought it home and I had a pocket full of cash.

This week I get to work at Memories on wednesday, way excited about that! I always have a blast when I work, and I get to catch up with some friends I don't get to see all that often. Maybe I will even have time to work on some scrappin.

I'm off to do archery stuff, I really need to do bills, but it is to nice today to sit at the computer for hours so I will do it tomorrow (I think it is supposed to rain). For now it's just a couple quick phone calls and then 90210 mixed in with the laundry and then I am taking a walk! Yippee a walk all by myself! I like taking the kids but that stroller just keeps getting heavier.


ChristyR said...

i am excited about the class!! it's nice when life gets back to normal! i wish i didn't have to wait so long for mine to be back to normal. a few more months. have a great monday eve.

itsjustshannon said...

Gosh I bet you are starting to really pop out now huh??? ...this is the exciting anticipation part of it.

Glad you are back to your routine...I know it can be rough when thats out of sync.

Happy Monday!