Saturday, April 08, 2006

I am stuck at the computer!

Guess I have time to update the blog today, I am stuck at my computer! Well really I am stuck watching my printer. I am helping my boss at the LSS with some wedding invites she is doing, I am printing 225 of the actual invite wording. And well they have to be perfect so I sit here and watch each one come out and make sure my printer is doing what it is supposed to.

We did have a much more exciting morning. It was the local easter egg hunt put on by our Jaycee's group. It was way cold (34 or something horrible like that), but the kids had a great time. I heard the organizer saying last year they only got 60 kids, this time around I think there was closer to 150! What a sight! I told K and Linz that they could pick three eggs and then stop. They both stuck to what mom said and they ended up with great treats. Now to scrap these pics! That would be my new thing taking pics and scrapping them instantly. I already got the new Karen Foster Easter paper and stickers to work with. Now if only my pc desk had enough room on it to use my paper trimmer...

Just talked to DH, his luck at the archery tournaments seems to be holding steady. Not that he is having bad luck, he is doing great, but again this was a big money shoot and he ended up in fourth place with winnings paying out to third. Rotten turn of events, but what can you do. With Jeff there is always next weekend!

To my scrappin friends I was also on two peas while printing and if you need to see a completed SHE album there is a thread with a link on the GS brd. It is an amazing album, beautiful pictures and even more heartfelt and beautiful journaling. Check it out.

1 comment:

itsjustshannon said...

Isn't that just the pits about the cold? I always envy those people who can have their kids put on the cute easter clothes and go and get great Easter shots. Heck here in Wisconsin we are just lucky they don't have to wear gloves and hats!
Last year it snowed ALOT on our Easter Egg Hunt. Wisconsin...gotta love it!