Monday, April 10, 2006

Just another manic monday, ohh, ohhh...

Well maybe its not so manic as it could be, but we had an icky night and I so don't feel like doing anything! I had to force myself to get out of bed and shower when all I wanted to do was just hide under the blankets. I think I have hit a depressive low and I feel like I need to clean out all the clutter, but I just don't know where to start. I called my mom and she is going to come over and help me go through the kids room and get rid of some excess. I guess I feel like I just can't do anything because there is just to much to do. Anyone else ever feel that way??? I can sit and make mental lists of all the things I need to do and I think why aren't I just doing it, but I can't seem to do anything! Ick! Am I lazy, I don't think so, maybe just under-appreciated???

I better move on to brighter things, don't need this to end up being my depression outlet!

It looks like the weather is going to be good today and I am going to take the kids on a short walk to the post office and bank this morning. Maybe we will pull the little picnic table out and eat lunch under the sun. Yesterday, Kaleb and Lindsay managed to pull out most of the outside toys (or is it junk?) from storage. Of course this was after I had told them not to do it. But they did manage to get it all picked up and put in relatively out of the way spots to make the yard look less like a playpen before bedtime. It is amazing what a little "Dad" threatening will make children do.

Yikes it's almost 9:00 and I still have two little people in jammies, gotta take care of that.

1 comment:

ChristyR said...

Yes! Sometimes it does feel like it's just so much don't know where to start so don't start! We all feel this way-I think? I hope! I would come over and help if you lived closer! As Ali Edwards would say, "it's okay".