Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to School!

I was really waiting so impatiently for the day to come and now that I am home all alone with both of my kids in school I just don't know what to do. I miss Lind terribly. Doesn't help that I wasn't all that impressed with her teacher. She has the first year, just out of college way to young to be a teacher, teacher. We have heard very wonderful things about this young woman and I am sure that it will all work out just fine, but.... Oh it is probably just me and my PG hormones. I'll get over that soon enough. That should eliminate the problem of what do I do now too!

Ok so on to more fun stuff, I feel like I have left my blog alone to long. Boy have we been busy. The first thing on the agenda for last week was SIL's wedding invites I literly worked on those from Wednesday afternoon until Saturday morning when I victoriously finished number 180 at 9:30 am! Boy was I happy! So at least that project is done.
Then it was our county fair last week end, took the kids and the camera. Tested out shooting in RAW, not really sure how that works, looks the same to me. I just know that it takes a little longer to download those photos on the pc. Now to read the chapter on RAW in my PhotoShop book. I did get some fun shots and well if I didn't have so many other things that I wanted to scrap first I would be working on those.
Sunday Linds and I spent the day with Nana and a couple of relatives visiting from South Dakota. Got some really great shots of Linds in the sandbox. Monday we just kinda vegg'ed, can you believe that I didn't even take any pictures.
Yesterday was just busy, Kaleb had a full day of school, isn't he just the cutest first grader, so grown up in the big guy desk. Linds just had a 15 min meeting with her teacher to drop off all the supplies and find her space. She really was dissappointed that she didn't get to stay all day so we went back for lunch with K. Then spent some time at the LSS. They have the new MME Signature Suite paper and well I just had a picture that I knew had to be scrapped with that paper. Found the right paper and accessories, killed some time chatting then we headed off to the hospital to pre-register for this baby. Came home with bags of "stuff", mostly junk, but there were a few coupons that I can use. I was thanking God that the formula companies have gone to making their hospital give away diaper bags all black. I may actually be able to use these ones. With K and Linds they were some awful pink and pale green pattern. Like I would leave the house with that! I know I am so stuck up!
Today I, all by myself, no kids in tow, went back to the hospital for one last ultrasound. Baby is head down, probably about 7 lbs and ready to go! I told him today that anytime next week would be wonderful, we are very anxcious to meet him. I went late with both K and linds so I really doubt that next week will materialize, just thought I would let him know.
After pick-up today we have to register Linds for dance, then back to the hospital for a special sibling class, then off to a pre-school board meeting. Yikes I am so glad that I am getting out of town tomorrow!
Yes it's finally Mall of America ScrapFest! I am so excited and really waiting to get some time to myself and just have fun for the last time before baby. Plus I think I may get a little start on my christmas shopping! I love Mall of America, great stores that I don't get to vist enough. Posted by Picasa


itsjustshannon said...

Great pictures!!!! You look like you have it down pat....I need lessons.

Have a great time this weekend!

Chris said...

Sounds like you've been BUSY! Fingers crossed that the baby doesn't decide to come early while you're at the MoA this weekend.

ChristyR said...

Sounds like fun! How exciting for you and the family you'll be welcoming a little one into the world! Congrats! Can't wait to see him. And he'll keep you busy on these days where your missing your other two! Have a great time at MOA!

Katie said...

Holy cow girl...take a breath. You will be very busy very soon! Enjoy the peace and quiet and downtime!

PS: I wouldn't mess with the RAW stuff until you get a good feel for exposure, white balance, etc. It's just too confusing in the beginning! :)