Monday, September 25, 2006

No baby yet, but Jeff had a good weekend...

DH got this beautiful buck Saturday morning, he was very happy! And just in case any of you are in the know about "big" bucks, Jeff rough scored this one at 150+ (yep that's good). Funny story to go along with the pictures. I was not around when he got this one and neither was the new camera. We had a girls day Saturday with Nana, went into Madison and did some shopping, got some baby stuff and had lunch with Katie and Gabby. So since I knew I was going to see Katie and she was such a huge influence on getting a new camera I had to bring it to show her. Well Dh calls about 11:30, "I got the big buck!", I say "great, congrats honey!", he says "where's the camera?", OPPS! Ok so he was a little, shall we say upset, but he used his dad's point and shoot and I think the shots turned out just fine.
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ChristyR said...

I know one day I'll come over here and there will be a post that says your off to the hospital! Any day now? Bet your husband was happy with that buck (is that what they are called). I feel a little bad for it. I feel bad for fish when we go fishing, or the praying mantis that was on my car while driving to the gym so I'm doing like thirty on the highway hoping it wouldn't fall off and be killed by another car! It made it all the way home with me!

itsjustshannon said...

Holy huge buck~~~~ Will show Kevin when he gets back. He will be VERY jealous. He hasn't been out yet and because of the Fall Festival on Saturday he didn't go but wanted to.

Hope you are feeling some contractions soon....very soon.

Katie said...

HOLY BIG BUCK! No wonder he was POd. Hee hee, haha, I got to play with the camera...:) It was great seeing ya sista, it was fun watching the girls warm up to each other. They were owning the sticker aisle at SBSS!

Cicada said...

LOL it makes me laugh to think of Gabby & Lindsay roughing up the sticker girls are no strangers to doing that!!

Yeah, that's one huge deer! I'm like Christine, I can't kill a bug, but I can respect those who can-! A big buck and a baby boy on the way... what more could a guy want??! :)