Friday, September 29, 2006

A light at the end of the tunnel...

So at the doctor yesterday I must have done a good job expressing how I am really ready to NOT be pg anymore. We are scheduled to induce Tuesday morning! We really wanted Monday, but someone was already scheduled. I am so relived that I actually feel 100 times better today. It's like the pressure is off and I can finally relax a little. So if all goes well I am hoping to be back at home with my new little bundle of joy and lots of pictures Wednesday night. So exciting!

Ok so on the Grey's topic, OMG the show was wonderful! I think my favorite scene was the last with dreamy, addison and steamy! Could that have been any better??? And well as much as I want Meredith to be with dreamy, the vet is starting to grow on me. And way to go Mer dating what a story line! Guess that's why I am a watcher and not a writer, I would have never thought of that one.

Well I am trying to get some last minute projects finished up and I am working on posting some class photos on the LSS blog so better run! Have a super day everyone!


Cicada said...

Great news! Good that you can relax now. I will be thinking of you even though I will be on vacation!! Best of luck with everything!!

itsjustshannon said...

Glad you can see an end if not before right?! Relax and can't wait to see baby pictures!