Thursday, September 21, 2006

So I posted those projects last night...

with good intentions to come back and add some info about them and well just didn't get around to it. Thanks for all the nice comments!

Ok so a little about the projects, the halloween one I did yesterday at the LSS. We have a quickutz club and the members get a free die and make/take project each month. This is the make/take for September.

The page is for my technique class next month, total lift from a magazine, but still cool. The button stamps are the Gel-A-Tins love, love, love them! And the "Oreo" title is the new tangerine QK font, loving that also.

Today I am working on the page I took with me yesterday (nope didn't get around to doing any journaling in my Week album either), it's coming together quite nicely. And I am trying to keep myself busy so I can ignore the fact that I have not had a baby yet. Can anyone tell that I am getting a little crabby at this point??? We even went for an hour walk earlier trying just about anything to get baby going, but it's not happening. Doctor appt tonight, we'll see what he has to say.

1 comment:

Cicada said...

Those gel-a-tins are too cool... I should not have clicked on that link.

Hope that doctor appointment went okay! Have I told you that it was the last exam that brought my labor on in both of my girls' births??!!