Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm blogging from my living room!

This laptop thing is great! Yesterday I spent most of the day "networking" our computers. I was so excited to get wireless connections up and working all by myself. I can take the laptop anywhere in the house and get internet and send things to my printer. How cool is that!

We normally spend thanksgiving with my Mom's side of the family, but this year chose to head off with Dad's side. Had some relatives up from Florida that we rarely get to see. One cousin came with his wonderful wife and their new little one. She had this fabulous chair that Carter is pictured in. It's a Bumbo! If you know anyone who is pg or has a new little one you gotta tell them about this, it is really fabulous. Carter is just 8 weeks old and he can sit right up in this chair. We don't leave him in it very long, but once he can support his head a little better I know this will become his favorite spot. Being flat on your back all the time must get old.

So anyways... these pictures are for Grandma Mary who really missed us on Thanksgiving, we missed you too. She sent home some wonderful treats for my monsters, new PJ's! Now who doesn't love new PJ's?? Thank you Grandma Mary! Posted by Picasa


itsjustshannon said...

Awwww! Too cute!

Cicada said...

Cute! I've seen those bumbos, I think they're getting really popular. Wish they'd been around when mine were that small!!

Chris said...

All the kids are looking so cute. I've read many raves about the Bumbo now. Seems like everyone loves it.

ChristyR said...

Such a cutie! Yes I too have read all kinds of rave reviews of the Bumbo!

Michelle said...

What cute kiddo pics! I saw that Bumbo thing on Heidi Swapp's blog. Of course hers was pink :)

Vanessa B. said...

I think I just saw a Bumbo on Heidi Swapp's blog. How cool are those?! And your little dude is way too cute!!