Friday, December 01, 2006

Got busy again...

So we have been running, running, running. Wednesdays are always crazy, in fact I really dislike Wednesdays, but ya deal with it.

Thursday we (Carter and I) had check ups. Both of us are very healthy and doing wonderful. Update on Carter, he is now 12 lbs, 4 oz, and 23.5 inches long. Really they grow too fast. If only he would stop eating... He had to get three shots and I am not sure what they add with the vaccines, but he yelped when the shots where happening then as soon as he was dressed he was fast asleep. We had a cranky hour later last night, but by 9 he was ready for bed and slept most of the night through. No we are not making through the night yet, but my doctor assured me that even though some little ones make it thru the night by two months (like both of my other kids) it is not ab-normal for babes to wait until they are 4 months before mom can get 8 straight hours of sleep. Oh well.

So in the craftin world, Shannon, Katie, and Julie are off to hang with Ali. You lucky dogs! Have a super time and bring me back lots of good ideas. Not that I need any more projects to do, but just incase I ever catch up and find some free time. LOL!!!

I however will be hanging at the LSS, we have open house weekend and lots of good specials, plus a fabulous make/take that I will be teaching. Love it! If you're in the neighborhood stop by and say hello. Tonight I am heading off to my crop group with supplies to work on my Christmas cards, but I am sure that all I will accomplish is gossip with pals. And that is OK.

Time to feed the baby and then it's off to prep my make/take.

One more thing to add, I submitted photos of Carter for a baby contest at Landsend. The link with take you to the first page of photos, right now we are somewhere around the third page. Check it out and vote! And no you don't have to vote for Carter, there are some wonderful, beautiful photos. I used one that I took and one that Katie took (thanks katie). Now Katie if you could just give me some more pointers on what would make a super winning shot, I would love to add more pictures.


itsjustshannon said...

ok...I think I voted for Carter. Wasn't sure exactly how to vote. That's the picture Katie took and he looks so darn handsome!

Long story on the crop....can we say snow, snow, snow and snow. One of us I am sure will blog the story....don't have the energy tonight but long story short....we didn't make it to Springfield. :( It just wasn't meant to be. Rockford is a lovely town though.

Katie said...

Yeah Nicole, you didn't miss much...just lot's of stress. But we did have fun at Hotel Shannon's!

I voted....he is such a cutie..he has to win! :)

Cicada said...

Cool! I am off to go vote. Yeah, Nicole, you didn't miss much! BUT--we're gonna get kits for the books mailed to us, so *that* means that if you want to get the supply list from us, we can all get together and make the books together.