Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Quiz...

1. What was your most memorable Christmas like? It is hard for me to pick a most memorable one, with kids each year gets better and better I love their smiles Christmas morning and that really does mean the most to me.

2. What was the best gift you ever received as a child? One year my mother made me a doll house with working lights and everything, I loved that, but the one gift that stands out in my head was a barbie that had a tool to twirl her hair. I wanted that barbie so bad.

3. What is your favorite cookie/candy to make at Christmastime? Frosted sugar cookies, it's the only time of the year we do them. This year I am headed to my best friend Judy's for just this and hopefully this will become a yearly thing for our families.

4. What does Christmas mean to you? The birth of a great savior, and love for my family.

5. What are your plans this year? Same as every year, food and gifts with Baun's Christmas eve, then do it again Christmas day with the Johnston's.

6. What kinds of gifts do your kids desire? Kaleb really wants a Gameboy, not sure if I am ready for the video game world. And Linds wants a Barbie house.

7. Do you have any favorite ornaments? My favorites are glass Burt and Ernies (yes the Sesame Street ones), I always got to put them on the tree when I was little. And they were always near the bottom of the tree, I make it a point to put them there now.

8. Does your tree have a decorated theme ~ or is it mix matched? No themes in my house.

9. Do you do anything special on Christmas Eve?t your Christmas shopping? Hopefully the shoppings done, sometimes there are still presents to wrap. The last few years have been presents to assemble. We do however spend Christmas Eve with relatives from my Dad's side. Christmas Eve with Baun's has been a tradition since I can remember.

11. What is your opinion of the Christmas season in general? The holidays always get me a little depressed, not sure why, maybe it's cuz there are so many more things that need to be done. All in all I would have to say that I like the family time.

12. What do you love about Christmas? Now that I have kids, their smiles and screams on Christmas morning.

13. What traditions do you hold that you do every year? We always cut a real Christmas tree, love the smell of pine! And breakfast casserole on Christmas morning always.

14. When do you open presents? Christmas Eve? Christmas morning? I like to let the kids open one present Christmas Eve (it's what I got to do when I was little), but the rest are saved until morning.

15. What was the best gift you received as an adult? A few years back (ok 5 yrs) my Grandparents wanted to take the family on Vacation. That would have to be the best gift, just because I really like the family time and that is what the Holidays are for spending time with loved ones.

16. What is your favorite Christmas song? Walking in a Winter Wonderland, when I was little (8 or so) I "choreographed" a dance to this song just for fun. It always brings back special memories of dancing by myself in my room when I was little.

17. Do you watch special movies and shows during Christmas? Not as an adult, as a child I loved the old fashion Rudolf.

18. Do you send out Christmas cards or family letters? Hand made cards (of course), sometimes with a letter all the time with a photo of the kids.

19. Do you have a special breakfast or meal on Christmas day? I always make my Grandma K's breakfast casserole, wouldn't be christmas morning without it.

20. Do you decorate your whole house or just the living room area? Not into decorating so it's just the tree in the living room.

21. Do you decorate the outside of your house with lights? Nope, I normally put lights around my living room picture window on the inside, but last year I decided I was going to start fresh with lights and stuff this year and when I went to get lights WM did not have the suction cup thingy's to do the window, so no window this year.

22. Do you exchange gifts with your friends? Special friends will get special things from me, but we don't do anything organized.

23. Do you have a sad Christmas memory? No

24. Do you sing in a cantata or sing Christmas specials? The only singing that I do is with the kids home alone. Don't think I can sing very well.

25. Does your church have Christmas services? Yes.

26. Do you do anything to celebrate Jesus? I have always wanted to start the tradition of having birthday cake and singing happy birthday to Jesus, we just haven't started that yet. We do try and remind the kids that Christmas is not really about Santa and presents, but about Jesus. Linds loves bible stories and since this is the first year that she is not at a Christian school I think we will start reading the Christmas story.

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