Monday, July 09, 2007

It was a HOT day at the Parade!

Ok so I had to include the first shot just cuz you can see the temp on the bank clock. 97 degrees, fabulous! The pictures are from yesterday's Farmer Appreciation celebration in Dodgeville, there were Fireworks on Saturday night, but those are so not worth saying anything about. The last few years the fireworks have been getting pretty darn good for a small town, well this year's went way downhill. I think they may have lasted 15 min, including a 30 second finale. Carter slept through the whole thing! Oh well next year we will hit Rythm and Booms again.
So back to yesterdays activities... we watched the parade in the swealtering heat, lots of freezies were eaten. Not really sure what were K and Linds favorite parts, but Carter sure loved it when I let him sit on a blanket on the ground. Jeff got a horrible sunburn on his knees, he wears sunscreen to work everyday, but we didn't think of putting any on for the parade. After the parade everyone heads up to one of the parks where they do a great lunch of BBQ pork and beef sandwiches. Love this lunch! Carter slept through this too! Then we wandered a bit before Kaleb took his turn in the peddle tractor pull. He went a whopping 31 feet! Great for a first timer, but not quite good enough to end up in the top three for a prize. He was good about not winning anything, and he's looking forward to trying again next year. Linds got to show daddy how good she is at the Monkey bars, then we did a couple kiddie rides and petting some baby animals. By that time we were all just about melted to the max. Back home to cool off, and then K, Linds and I went to the pool. It was fun to go without Carter for a change, we ventured out into the deep end and the kids were jumping out and swimming to the edge all by themselves. Plus I got to just relax a little in the sun, no baby to keep happy.

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1 comment:

Katie said...

Ahhhh, I love the heat! :) heehee

That pic of C and it!! Those cheeks never cease to amaze me. :)