Monday, May 28, 2007

We had a fabulous weekend, hope everyone else did too! These pictures are from Saturday, we finally got around to a visit with Aunt Judy. It has been way to long, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Linds, Carter and I headed off to Hartland for the day (the big boys did archery stuff), we had a wonderful lunch and beautiful time just lounging and gossiping outside. Mike even took Linds and Austin (that would be the adorable guy in the blue hat) to the park while us girls and Carter chatted. Then after Carter had, had enough outside time, he is so silly he likes being outside but he will not crawl in the grass, so after a while he gets fussy cuz he really wants to move around. Anyway we took it inside and got to gossip more while Mike took Linds to the amazingly renovated rec room and let her go crazy with his drum.

Thanks for the hospitality Jud-a-bee (only I can call her that), we love you so much! In a perfect world we would be neighbors...

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1 comment:

ChristyR said...

The photos are great, he's growing up so fast momma!