Thursday, May 24, 2007

So is it wrong to eat shrimp cocktail for breakfast??? Ok so I am in a strange mood this morning, maybe lack of sleep... but anyway I am a seafood freak, love it! And this morning shrimp just seemed like the thing to eat.

It's been crazy this week, Monday has been the most quiet day and everyone knows what Mondays are like. Tuesday we had an extra baby. She is just a couple months younger than Carter and he was just intrigued by this little person. They got along quite well and their schedules messed perfect. The only tears I had all day were from Carter who was a little upset that Mommy was feeding someone else first. Yesterday we had parents day at Linds' dance class. Not sure if I had my camera set wrong or the fact that I was trying to take pictures and hold Carter that most of the shots came out blurry??? I think that I may be able to make a couple scrap worthy.

Today is an exciting day, a friend of mine had a baby this morning! Congrats to Mary and the new little one, hoping that I can stop and see them later tonight. She has been waiting as best as she could since the beginning of the month when she went in to be induced and they sent her home 48 hrs later without a baby. Not fun!

And tomorrow it's off to the LSS to work, I think we are getting into a schedule with working fridays. I bring baby carter with me and he just plays in the playpen all day. Last week when I was there I even got some work done, 4 double page spreads for a customer. We'll see what I can accomplish tomorrow. I do feel a little bad, I have had something going on each Friday I've worked so far and have been sneaking out. The boss knows so it's not like it's that bad, I just feel bad about it. And of course tomorrow Linds' class is going to the High School for their "Ag" fair. I've gone with Kaleb's class so Linds' wants me to go with her too. It is always fun, but again I have to sneak away from the store for an hour or so.

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Katie said...

You are so dang kids wouldn't even sit in a playpen for 10 minutes. Sheesh!

I have been so crazy busy...and Thursday was Gavin's birthday....11 kids at the mini golf place....not a fun day for me!

Have a great weekend!

itsjustshannon said...

Sounds like things are going well in Dodgevilleland! Great pictures of Lindsay!