Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Holy cow, I can't believe that it's been 10 days since I updated this thing!

Bad blogger, or maybe I should be saying good mommy. I am having a total blast with my new little guy, he is a complete joy. I keep telling everyone that we will keep him, LOL!!! Plus we have had so much going on in the last week, wowzers it has been hectic. My SIL got married friday and well we had things going on Thur, Fri, and Sat with all that. I really need to post some pictures, Linds was the Miniture bride and she was so cute. She did such a good job, well a great job without a smile, but that's part of the story I will have to tell with the pictures. Sunday we took a trip to a local farm market and then on to a corn maze, got pictures to go with that story too. But for now this is all you'll get until I can squeeze a little more time. Right now K is holding Carter, he and Linds are such good big siblings, one holds him then the other has to have their turn. And they take turns feeding too! Really helps me get a few things done around here. More updates later...


itsjustshannon said...

Sounds like all is well at your household but busy enjoying it all!

Nancy said...

Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Enjoy every minute of your time with them while they are small, treasure each smile, and give them extra hugs... just because. What a blessing!

Katie said...

Oh, Linds looks so beautiful! And you all look great together...that extra kid makes a family look so much bigger for some reason.

I am sure you are really glad that you have all this time with Carter since both the kids are in school....you were really smart with the timing! :)