Saturday, October 07, 2006

A couple new pictures...


Yeah I've been slacking with the blog, but can ya blame me??? So what's been going on, just taking care of the baby and trying to get some sort of schedule with the other monsters. I really was amazed at how well this week has gone. We have been able to get up in the morning and get K and Linds to school on time and with out feeling like I'm losing control. Carter is a wonderful baby, he sleeps alot during the day and is up a little bit more at night, but it's getting better everyday and I don't feel so exhausted. I am feeling quite wonderful, except for the lack of sleep. You know how everyone always tells you sleep when baby sleeps, I am so not that person. I just keep thinking of all the things I need to get done and well when daylight hits that means I need to get stuff done. A little sick I know, but just who I am. We are having super fall weather, and that means that I got to get the stoller out and walk, love it! It's pretty strange for me to have a fall baby. K and Linds are both summer babies and well we were outside from birth with those two. Not sure how much I will like not being able to go out with Carter once the weather gets cooler. And I really hate my treadmill, I really love walking with the stoller. The race is on to loose the baby fat and then some, so Christine is that workout/get in shape blog going still??? Need to add to my motivation. Posted by Picasa


Katie said... update! He is just precious...what a happy little family of 5! Keep up the good work chica! And I am wondering what baby fat you are talking about?????

ChristyR said...

so, so cute! And Nicole you look like you have the glow still! You look beautiful. Have fun walking...the blog about moving doesn't really move anymore! Although I still work out regularly well everyone just got too busy. The family looks great Nicole!

itsjustshannon said...

Great pictures and such a sweetie pie Carter is!

You look great!!!!

Vanessa B. said...

Love the pictures! Sounds like you're doing great!

~Mel said...

Such sweet pictures - Carter is absolutely adorable! Where did he get all that hair?

And I agree - I don't see baby fat on you.