Tuesday, March 04, 2008


So this past Friday I took off for a Tally Rally scrappin getaway in Wisconsin Dells, I stayed at Blooming Escapes with 15 other TallyScrappers. A few were old friends, but most were gals I have never met except for an occasional bump on the internet. It really was wonderful how we all got along so well. Not a bad person in the bunch. Saw some amazing scrap work, and had lots of fun chatting and getting to know each other. Got the best advice from Rachel, check her out here, I was telling all about miss Linds and her new what if questions, Linds is always saying to me what if I was, what if we lived, what if, what if, what if. I am staring to get wacky about the if's! So I was mentioning it and Rachel says I need to turn it around back onto Linds, say she asks what if, then I ask her back so what if that was whatever. Well last night when I was tucking Linds in she says to me "Mommy, what if I was eight (as in age)?", I turn it around and say, "Yeah, what if you were eight Linds?" She thinks for a moment and says "I would be in second grade and Kaleb would be in third." Very content with her own answer. I was just amazed! So thank you Rachel! And to the rest of you moms with question throwing little ones, just try turning it back onto the little one or repeating the last things they said, seems as if you can't go wrong!

Enjoy the rest of the pictures, these were my favorites :)
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1 comment:

Katie said...

Finally getting around to catching up with blogs! Love all the things you said about the crop and everything! I can tell you that I was so happy to see YOU so happy...I was telling Julie that you were positively beaming the whole time I was there. :) It was really awesome.