Friday, March 07, 2008

I just need to tell someone....

Ok I am so ready to scrap I can hardly contain myself! You may have seen that last weekend I was in the Dells with a whole bunch of TallyScrapper gals, had a wonderful time, but the creative bug really wasn't biting. Not sure why, but I did enjoy gossiping and telling stories with everyone so it certainly was not a lost weekend. Hey any weekend where I don't have to take care of hubby and kids or clean the house is a FABULOUS weekend!

Back to the scrap world, I was pocking around on the net this morning and did a little window shopping at Tally, I am waiting for the March kit, lots of green stuff, did you know I LOVE green!!! Well anyway that got me to thinking that I haven't visited a few other sites that have wonderful insperation for scrap pages in months. Checked out Pencil Line Sketches (link is to the right), that's what got me going. I can not say enough good things about this site, I just love everything on it. So now I am all excited that tonight is our local group work night, printed out some sketches to lift, but now all I really want to do is let the babies sleep for the entire day so I can play with my paper and pictures. Is that really so wrong???

So I am going to re-print a couple pictures and get a few pages laid out for tonight, maybe I can do a little more scrappin and a lot less chatting... we shall see!

1 comment:

Debbie Doughty said...

Hi Nicole,
I'm so happy I got to meet you! What a great weekend. Feeling the need to scrap too. I got quite a few Circle Journal layouts done, but nothing I get to keep! Today I'm working on duplicates for myself and plan on putting them in a Dells album. I have your LO ready to mail, all I need is your address. Here's my email address:
Hope you get lots done tonight ;)
PS-Love all your Tally Rally posts...