Bedtime photo shoot...
So I got my new 50mm lens today, LOVE IT!!! Linds was quite the model tonight, she is always cooperative, not so much from the boys. Took a bunch of Carter hanging out in Jeff's chair, but they were totally not good enough to share, still learning the in's and out's of ISO, shutter speed and apeture. I love the second shot of Linds in mirror checking out her empty space. She lost her third tooth the other day, now I can scrap about it!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
So we were busy this weekend, lots of fun stuff going on and the weather was great for getting out and about! First on Saturday we headed in to Madison for the Kids' Expo, that was crazy! Lots of kids and moms, even a few dads too. We stood in line for blow up bouncy things, did some crafts, got lots of info for other fun summer things to do. Kaleb was totally interested in doing a robotics camp that they have in Madison, but after reading the brochure he is just a year too young for this summer, we'll hold on to that for another
Then on Sunday, along with Grandpa & Grandma Johnston, we went with Jeff to an archery thing and sports show in the Dells. It was a very long day, but fun too. Carter was not so happy to be stuck in the stroller again, but we let him out to
this week we are keeping on the busy track, today and tomorrow we are watching an old friend and tomorrow Linds has a girl friend over. Wednesday we are heading out to scrap for the day, and Thursday we will try and catch daddy for lunch, then I have my photography seminar (cannot wait), on friday we may just have to play catch up with household chores. Why is it that vacation time is just way to busy to feel like a vacation should??? I think that is my fault though... Can you believe that Easter is this weekend??? The only reason that excites me is that spring is coming and then Summer! I want 80 degree days! It is getting better around here, the snow is melting and you can see the brown grass in lots of
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8:50 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

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3:21 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Lindsay got a trim!
She has been begging me to let her have a "short" hair cut for quite awhile now and I guess you could say that I finally folded. Called Aunt JoJo and made the appointment, not really thinking what I was going to let her do. So we did it today, they cut off right around 8 inches. Boy does she look grown up. Not my little baby girl anymore. I guess I will be ok with it and heck I took lots of great pictures to scrap the whole event. We even came home with a good chunk of hair to put in the book too.
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1:52 PM
Friday, March 07, 2008
I just need to tell someone....
Ok I am so ready to scrap I can hardly contain myself! You may have seen that last weekend I was in the Dells with a whole bunch of TallyScrapper gals, had a wonderful time, but the creative bug really wasn't biting. Not sure why, but I did enjoy gossiping and telling stories with everyone so it certainly was not a lost weekend. Hey any weekend where I don't have to take care of hubby and kids or clean the house is a FABULOUS weekend!
Back to the scrap world, I was pocking around on the net this morning and did a little window shopping at Tally, I am waiting for the March kit, lots of green stuff, did you know I LOVE green!!! Well anyway that got me to thinking that I haven't visited a few other sites that have wonderful insperation for scrap pages in months. Checked out Pencil Line Sketches (link is to the right), that's what got me going. I can not say enough good things about this site, I just love everything on it. So now I am all excited that tonight is our local group work night, printed out some sketches to lift, but now all I really want to do is let the babies sleep for the entire day so I can play with my paper and pictures. Is that really so wrong???
So I am going to re-print a couple pictures and get a few pages laid out for tonight, maybe I can do a little more scrappin and a lot less chatting... we shall see!
Posted by
7:23 AM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
So this past Friday I took off for a Tally Rally scrappin getaway in Wisconsin Dells, I stayed at Blooming Escapes with 15 other TallyScrappers. A few were old friends, but most were gals I have never met except for an occasional bump on the internet. It really was wonderful how we all got along so well. Not a bad person in the bunch. Saw some amazing scrap work, and had lots of fun chatting and getting to know each other. Got the best advice from Rachel, check her out here, I was telling all about miss Linds and her new what if questions, Linds is always saying to me what if I was, what if we lived, what if, what if, what if. I am staring to get wacky about the if's! So I was mentioning it and Rachel says I need to turn it around back onto Linds, say she asks what if, then I ask her back so what if that was whatever. Well last night when I was tucking Linds in she says to me "Mommy, what if I was eight (as in age)?", I turn it around and say, "Yeah, what if you were eight Linds?" She thinks for a moment and says "I would be in second grade and Kaleb would be in third." Very content with her own answer. I was just amazed! So thank you Rachel! And to the rest of you moms with question throwing little ones, just try turning it back onto the little one or repeating the last things they said, seems as if you can't go wrong!
Enjoy the rest of the pictures, these were my favorites :)
Posted by
11:56 AM
Yes we did have a little bit of fun with some of the shots, Can you tell which backend is mine???
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11:42 AM
Upper crop room.
Downstairs with Shawna and Shannon.
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11:36 AM
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11:32 AM
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11:30 AM