Friday, October 26, 2007

Think about it...

Today while working at the LSS a man walks in and asks a few questions which I do my best to help answer. Very pleasant guy who is looking for a copy shop, I give him directions to my favorite and as we are saying good byes, he tells me what a fun place the store is and then asks if I am an artist. Hmmm??? I have never really thought of myself as an artist just a silly scrapbooker. So my thought for the day is can I say I am an artist, should I say that, really I don't feel like an artist, but it really made my day that he thought of me that way. And of course calling my pages on the wall beautiful work brought a big smile to my face too. Just a little something to think about...


Cicada said...

Love that. And you are an artist. I was just telling a friend today that I wish it was called memory art cuz scrapbooking just doesn't sound cool. Or, life artist, like ali edwards says!

Katie said...

Oh totally an uncool word...but that's what it is all about! :) The art, ok and the memories... :)