Saturday, October 20, 2007

Beautiful fall...

I ran to the store early this morning and on my way back the light was just so beautiful across the neighbors yard, I had to grab the camera and try and capture it. I so love fall colors! If I could live my life in green, brown and oranges I would be happy always! I of course am not as happy with the photo as the real life, but it stiff shows the colors. And as my sweet Linds is standing over my shoulder as I type saying where is that from, that's cute! I guess that's all the complements I need. Any of you plant buffs, know what sort of shrub/bush that is????

I have been a little computer absent the last couple weeks, Carter's birthday sort of hit me in a strange way I've been sorta sad, but I know I'll get over it. I think it must mean that my baby days are behind me and well that must mean I'm getting older and I hate getting older.

The other shots are Carter's one year photos, they went well. He is such a wild guy, I would have never guessed he would be this way and I know he will continue to surprise me as he grows.

So the other thing that I must document is the fact that I had my very first surgery. Not that I wanted it! Last Friday I felt icky, painful stomach cramps for 24+ hours. Finally after my husband forced me I went to the ER Saturday morning. After a few tests and a CT scan (5 hrs later), doc is back and yep it's Appendicitis! FABULOUS! Off to surgery I go with an Anesthesiologist who keeps telling me to think of a happy place like the beach, little does he know I hate the beach! I tell him that as I drift off...

All went fine and I am feeling much more like myself today, only tough part was/is that I am suppose to be watching the amount of lifting and carrying that I do. Not so easy with a toddler! Especially with a toddler who is sick too! Yep I guess it's that time of year, Carter's got the nasty cold/allergy/asthma thing going on again. I am not happy! I am so worried that I will spend the next six months trying to help him breathe. I am freaking out enough that I have already scheduled a meeting with our Doc to discuss a plan of attack for this winter. First thing will be to get refferal to a specialist. Wish me luck with that meeting.

Kaleb has is first "test" in Tae Kwan Do on Tuesday, he can move up to a yellow striped belt. I'm excited, I'm going to bring the camera and get some photos to scrap! YIPEE! (really do I need more photos to scrap????)

Linds is wonderful, everytime I look at her I just think how beautiful she is and how fast she is growing up. She told me the other day she was going to be a superstar when she gets big. I asked her if she would be an actress, singer or dancer. She replies, a dancer and maybe singing too. She has the performing bug bad. Right now she is dancing and singing her way through the High School Musical CD for the third time. Don't you just love the "Fabulous" song! I kinda think I like it better than her, and I am so being completely truthful about that.

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itsjustshannon said...

oh crap nicole. So sorry to hear of your surgery. Feel Better REALLY soon!

ChristyR said...

ouch! I'm glad you sound better now, good thing you went to the ER, wow. Take care of yourself!

Cicada said...

I laughed out loud at your telling him you hate the beach before you conked out...hee...seriously though, I'm so glad Jeff made you go to the hospital!!!! Hope you feel like yourself soon.

Fetch me my jimmy choo flip flops,
Where is my pink prada tote?
I need my tiffany hair band,
And then I can go for a flo-oo--oh-oo-oat..