Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Busy, busy days!

So with Jeff gone we have been keeping pretty busy. Saturday we spent the day at Grandpa Bob's and enjoyed a wonderful meal with lots of chit chat with the Baun family. It was fun for Linds and K to meet some far away second cousins. Two cute and wild boys from Pennsilvania. Linds had them playing Polly Pocket with her it was just adorable. I brought my camera, but alas no pictures were taken by me. I think i was just too concerned with Carter not wrecking anything. Grandpa Bob's really isn't baby proof. I really did enjoy catching up with relatives we rarely see, expecially my Grandparents. Then we sort of snuck out early cuz I needed to get our stuff together for my night out! YIPEE! The kids went to JoJo's and had a blast, while I got a little bit of scrappin done and a whole lot of great adult time in.

Sunday we spent the entire afternoon at Nana's, the weather was perfect. The kids had tons of fun outside on the slip/slide. Only one silly downfall, nana had mowed her lawn the day before. It took 30 min in the shower to shampoo and condition and comb out all the grass that had found a home in Linds long hair! Since my scrap stuff was so nicely packed from the night before I drug that along and got a couple more pages together. Perfectly relaxing time was had by all!

Monday we thought about going to the pool, but we had a wonderful crazy thunderstorm from 9:30ish until noon. So off to madison we went for a little scrap shopping (had a gift cert to spend) and just some bumming. We hit the mall and went to Build a Bear for new accessories (gift certs for that too!). Then we picked up a few new school clothes. It was nice to not feel pressured to rush, rush, rush. We took our time and played. That would be one bonus of not having Daddy home.

Speaking of Daddy, Jeff touched base with us Monday. They made it safely to the hunting grounds in Colorado and are having a pretty good time. I guess he missed a very nice Mule deer that was quite a distance away. He didn't sound upset about missing, would have been very lucky if he had hit it. They are seeing lots of Elk, deer and bear. Which is wonderful in itself, they are bowhunting so there is a whole lot more skill involved in actually taking an animal. We are missing him tons, but he will be home before we know it. Kaleb just keeps asking when will he get to go. K is definately a born hunter.

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1 comment:

itsjustshannon said...

You have the DELUXE slip and slide! Sounds like it was fun!