Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back to school...

So we made it through our first day back! And I am having all of the wonderful, over-protective mother issues. If only we could have one teacher for all the grades than I wouldn't worry so much. Last year I had the same feelings of worry about who was watching out for my babies and how I wasn't quite sure if I would like them, then I grew to really like them and now I have to start all over again! I keep telling myself it will be ok, but I still worry.

Both Kaleb and Linds seem totally unaffected by my worry, they had a wonderful day full of fun and new excitement. I think they are both looking forward to going back tomorrow. Kaleb can't wait until thursday, he started Tae Kwan Do today and the next lesson is after school thursday. I have not seen him this excited about something since his first experience on a hunt with daddy. I am really glad that he likes it, they say it's really good for self confidence and he needs that. Tomorrow we get our times for Linds dance class and I think she is excited for that too. Not so sure I am as excited for all these extra-curriculars, means lots of extra running for mom, but what's a parent to do... these kids just keep getting bigger and they want to do stuff!

Speaking of doing stuff, Carter is starting to take a few steps on his own, I am positive he will be a fully functional walker by his first birthday, which happens to be in less than a month now! Why, oh why does time have to go by so fast???

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1 comment:

Cicada said...

Congrats on Carter's walking skills!! But I know what you mean, I was sad about all my youngest dd's milestones because I knew they were the last!

I worry about teachers & school too, but I know it always works out fine...these first days are fun but are also kind of stressful!