Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm getting kinda lazy about this silly thing lately, oh well!

This past week has been a strange one, I have been feeling off, not really sure why the kids are acting good, the baby is sleeping alright, we are getting to all of our activities on time and with out whinning, so who knows maybe it's just me!

So anyway to try and get myself out of this funk I decided that I would force myself to get on the scale and really work at getting myself where I want to be. I wasn't a little unhappy with the number but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I am now doing the silly Special K diet, and I really feel good! Quite strange because I thought I would feel like I was starving all the time, maybe I am just to darn busy to think about being hungry any more. And I have gotten my share of exercise in lately. Been walking all week and yesterday the kids and I (with Carter in tow) rode our bikes to and from school. This is not the easiest task, it's kinda hilly out here in Dodgeville and the school is at the top on one very large hill. Now I have only gotten back into biking just a couple months ago and it's tough for me to make the hill on my own let alone pulling the baby. We had to walk it, but hey that's gotta be good exercise too right??? Today is another wonderful day and I am looking forward to a walk after nap time again. I am anxiously awaiting the fall colors, for some strange reason all my pictures from the fall last year are of a little baby???? This year I really want to get some good shots of the kids in the leaves.

Speaking of the baby, we are just around the corner from a birthday! I am in the midst of planning a party and well I could make invites, but I can't seem to find the time. I searched for a "photo" card and here's what I found, check out Zazzle they do cards and shirts and calendars and buttons so much cool stuff. I made the cutest invites, when they arrive I will post a picture.

1 comment:

ChristyR said...

good for you for getting back out there and moving! I hit the gym today too after a little hiatus. Cannot wait to see the invites.