Sunday, August 19, 2007

And it's still raining...

So on Friday night the pool was empty, here's what it looks like this morning, YIKES! I am certainly glad that we don't live down in a valley or we could have been dealing with a very wet basement.

I wish I could say that I have been scrappin up a storm in this perfect scrappin weather, but somehow the kids have not let me get to my pages. I did however have a very sleepless night Friday and round about 3 am I finished two pages for a photo swap I am in on TallyScrapper. I like how they turned out, now one last picture to do and I will be sending them back to my friend, hoping that she enjoys them. Maybe I will get that done today...

So yesterday I was supposed to go to my high school reunion, but it was a picnic and well not really what I wanted to do with all this rain. I skipped it. Today I am feeling a little low about not going, but what can I do but wait 5 yrs and try again.

Jeff, Kaleb and Linds went to the races on Friday night, Kaleb was too funny, Friday afternoon I asked him if he was excited to go and he replies, " I get to see Bud, mom!" He thought he was going to a Nascar race! Too cute! Nascar would be the only type of car racing that Kaleb had ever really seen and he just assumed when Daddy asked if he wanted to go to the races it was Nascar. It was sorta sad telling him he wouldn't be seeing Bud (that would be Dale Ernhart Jr., just incase any of you are not up on racing, not that I really am either). I stayed home with Carter, car races are so NOT my thing! Sometimes that baby comes in real handy... But anyway, K and Linds had a great time with Daddy and they both loved the races.

Today if I could have it my way I would be heading to the outlet mall in the Dells and doing some shopping. I have a serious shopping bug and well it has been six months since I've had a day to play. But alas with three kids in tow I will be staying in. I really should try and clean out my office and get some scrap stuff organized...

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1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds like you are very, very ready for SCHOOL to start!! :) Pawn the little Carter dude of on Grandma and come up and scrap with me one need a break! :)