Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Alright, blogger is not liking me today, couldn't seem to get my pictures to post through picasa so I'm trying something different we shall see...

So the pictures are from this past weekend, we had a wonderful campfire at Grandpa's! The kids had such a great time running around in the dark. Jeff was giving them little challenges and the winner would get a dollar. By the end the challenges were getting quite silly. We of course did smores, gotta love those! Other than that excitement we have mostly been hanging out at the pool when it's not raining. Boy I am glad that we did finally get some rain, my lawn was turning an awful shade of brown. Now it is back to the beautiful lush green that I love. Only issue now is when it's not raining the humidity is almost unbearable, we are either at the pool on chilling in the AC. Feel like I haven't been able to take a walk or ride the bike in forever. I just don't seem to have the strength to brave the heat. But I am thinking that todays rain is coming from the north along with some cool breezes, sounds like the weather for the next few days will be perfect for walks and rides.

We went school shopping on Monday, checked out the new Super Target in Madison. I have decided that I do NOT like super stores. To really see the whole store I think I would have needed the whole day and without any children. I just don't have that much time anymore... We did get 99% of the things we need, now the count down begins only 20 more days until school starts. I am excited to have a little more quiet time around here, but with each start of the school year I feel sad because my babies are just growing up to fast and I just don't have enough time to do all that I wish we could do.

Speaking of time moving by to fast, this Saturday is my High School Reunion! Yikes 15 years! We are doing a family picnic and it should be a good time. Then next month is Jeff's Reunion, 20 years for him! He sure is getting old! Really you should always marry someone older than you so you can always feel young.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Our weather has been CRAZY!

Hey those are great fire pick...those are heard to get! :) Can you believe the size of that Super Target?? I agree, it is pretty much impossible to do much with the kids in tow. We lasted about 20 min and today Gavin said "I don't want to go to Super Target...I want to go to old Target." Now that is just weird!