Saturday, June 09, 2007

Look at these FABULOUS ladies!

So every summer for the last few years my mom (far left) has hosted a "Girls Day in the Country" for her "city" friends. I think that I may have just shown up once and that sort of got me into the group. Now these women have been friends for almost as long as I have been alive. It really is amazing to just sit and listen to the stories they have to share, be it reminiscing, or talking about all the concerns of today. Last year I was pg with Carter, so this year we had to come and show him off. I nominated him as "boy toy" for the day! I had a great day and Linds had fun "helping" papa too. Enjoy the pictures ladies, these two were my favorites. Just pop me an email if you want a copy for yourself.

The other boys in my house spent the day working on the hunting land, I saw them briefly when I got home, not sure why they even came home. They were here and then they were gone again. They had spraying to do??? I sure hope the deer appreciate all that they are doing. Kaleb has a blast driving his four wheeler around.

Oh other exciting news about Kaleb, he got his very first win at an archery tournament the other weekend! We got results in the mail yesterday and boy was he excited. I was excited and bummed at the same time, we were going to go with the boys to that shoot and I could have had pictures, but the weather was iffy and I didn't want to take Carter so we stayed home! I am now kicking myself! I think what I will do is take a picture of K with the results letter to scrap and even scrap the letter itself.

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itsjustshannon said...

What a fun ladies day! Congrats to Kaleb! That is a big deal!!!!!

Carter looked so cute! Those cheeks! Love the picture of the bubbles too!

Katie said...

That's the way to improvise...a pic with the go. Great job K!

You pictures are veeeery good. ;)