Saturday, April 21, 2007

Time to get rid of these icky snow pictures! I think that spring is finally here to stay, today it is fabulous outside. I took baby Carter out to play with my camera, tell me what cha think.

Funny story to share...

Yesterday I get a call from Linds' teacher, seems there was an "incident" durring rest time. Lindsay put a rock up here nose. (Side note - Judy all I could think about was the corn story, LOL!!!) She says that "someone" told her to do it, I can't imagine that she would do this on her own, but the "someone" said they didn't tell her??? Anyway here's the really funny part, Linds with some help from the school nurse did get the rock out. Nurse Kari asks her what we learned from this, and what does my child say... "I learned that you have to blow really hard to get a rock out of your nose!" OMG!!! Oh yeah she had to bring the rock home with her too.

Alright gotta update ya on last weekends fun, I was scheduled to go to a scrapping retreat, but Carter had other plans for me. I did mange to spend 12+ hrs there Saturday, check out Blooming Escapes if you need a fabulous place to get some crafting done. I can't wait to go back and spend a full weekend. Even better I got four 12x12 pages done and a 9x9 for Carter's book. When you write it out it doesn't seem like much, but for me it is amazing!

So Carter is finally on the winning side of all the sickness, my gosh we have been dealing with one thing or another for the last four weeks, maybe he won't get sick again until he's a teenager. Knock on wood. He has even gotten a little better at sleeping the last few nights. It is amazing how good you can feel when you get 6 hrs of uninteruppted sleep.

This morning I was up and ready to go before 6 am! I decided to hit the Garage sales, did a few and then I remembered why I dont do Garage sales, to much work for nothing. Maybe we just don't have quality around here??? Who knows, but that will probably be the last garage sale morning for me. I was really wishing I could head to Madison for the farmer's market, but it's just too far.


Katie said...

Okay...NOSE story...priceless...gotta scrap it!

Spring photos...ROCK!!

Healthy baby...THE BEST!! :)

Another retreat....VERY SOON!! :)

Cicada said...

That is *so* funny about the rock. And, wow, awesome photos! That first one with the (barn?) behind him is my favorite!! Beautiful.