Sunday, April 29, 2007

All is quiet...

for now at least everyone (kids I mean) is fast asleep and I have a little time to myself. I have been planning in my head for the last three days what I wanted to say for an update here and I figured I had better get it out.

We had a wonderful week, extra busy but good. I've got some new little ones for daycare so that is where the extra busy comes in. It worked out good last week, I had an extra body Monday, then different extra bodies Tuesday and Thursday. Then Friday it was just me and Carter. I decided that I needed some shopping time!

Carter and I headed out of town right after drop off of Linds and K. We hit Target first, boy oh boy do I feel like I got the deal of the century. Needed ink for my photo printer and they had packaged sets of all the inks with 150 sheets of 4x6 photo paper. Ok the deal is my printer takes 6 different inks, the black alone is $18, then the five colors are normally around $9 each, so that's like $60+ dollars right there. The packs I got were $35! OMG I felt like I was stealing and it was hard not to buy every pack off the shelf. So excited! Got a few other things at the Target but nothing else as good.
Next we hit Kohl's, I so needed a wardrobe pick me up. Got a couple new things, but I have decided that I must have some sort of odd body type cuz nothing seems to fit right. I should know better to not even try on things like shorts and pants, they never fit.
After that it was on to the Mall, and after a bottle for Carter and some hair care products. Any one with straight hair do's you must try Aveda's Smoothing Fluid love, love, love it! Then we hit my fav store, Gap! If I was only allowed to shop at one store I would pick the Gap every time, they have bottoms that fit me! Got new jeans, new crop pants, new jean capri's, and tried the new boyfriend pant (LOVE IT!). I was so giddy when I left nothing could go wrong for the rest of the day, oh yeah and nothing did!

Saturday we just hung out for the morning then K and Jeff went to an archery shoot and I got organized to scrap. Booked myself and a friend for Scrapbook Superstore's Crop Mania. That was fabulous, it was a totally last minute thing but TallyScrapper has me so motivated to scrap I just needed to go. Let Katie and Shannon know my plans and was way excited that Katie was able to join in. I so love scrapping with Katie, she is such an insperation, and of course I could just spend the night looking at her photos and be happy! If you want to see what I accomplished you'll just have to check my TS Gallery. We did miss ya Shannon, but Katie updated me on the latest gossip. Next big get together with all the girls and a new scrappin friend (Jen) will be in June, almost to long to wait.

Today we had a wonderful day too! Got up early and went out for breakfast, love that no cleaning for me! Then Jeff and K took off for another shoot. Kaleb is doing so good, one of these days I will join them with camera in tow so I can get some pictures to post and scrap. Me, Linds and Carter tried to get a few things done, laundry mostly. I am actually really excited to crawl into bed tonight. Hung the sheets outside! I am so not a hang things outside gal, way to much work for me. But every now and again when the weather is just perfect I do the sheets. I love the fresh smell. Then we headed to WM for all the things we forgot at Target (didn't have a list Friday). After Jeff and K got home we all went to the land that Jeff hunts on. The guys plant corn for the deer every year and leave it standing all winter. It is time to cut it down so they can plant this years crop. Jeff had one last field to do. While he was cutting I let the kids go loose in the stream that runs along the property. They had a blast as you probably guessed from the pictures above. It was such a perfect day, I only wish it was summer and the kids didn't have school tomorrow. I was just thinking the other day how back in August I couldn't wait to get then out of my hair and back in school. Now I can't wait until the last day so I can have them all day to play with.

Wow this has turned into a mini novel of an entry, thanks for reading

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