Saturday, April 07, 2007

So we've been on spring break for the last week, although it has not felt at all like spring and well it's been no break either!

I started thinking that I should look up what the temps were for winter break cuz I am sure that they were about the same if not warmer. YUCK!!! No walks, no picnics, no outside nothing. Well ok the kids have braved it a few times, but not me.

Monday and Tuesday I worked at the LSS, that was a ton of fun as it always is, so not work either. I keep telling my boss that I should not get paid for being there, I never get anything accomplished to much gabbing with the customers. Really I have way to much fun there.

Wednesday we just laid low, Jeff was home sick and well that really messes up our schedule, oh but Lindsay had a play date so the day wasn't a total loss.

Thursday we spent the am at the dentist, K, Linds and I got teeth cleaned and I was bullied into finally getting the prep work for a crown I have needed for the last year. Anyone out there know anything about crowns??? My mouth still hurts today! For the pm Carter had a doctor appt, he is doing tons better, but still not 100%. I was told the bug he had/has is one that they vaccinate for and had he not already gotten shots at 2 & 4 months we could have been in real trouble. So it certainly is a nasty one.

Friday we planned a fun day! We started with pictures, six months for baby Carter. And I wanted one with all three monsters. The kids did a fabulous job and I will say it again I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Portrait Innovations! The only thing that will make me stop going there is if Katie opens up her own studio! So the pictures were fun for me, after that we did the Chuckie Cheese thing for the kids. They loved that! Then it was my turn again a trip to Scrapbook Superstore, got a few sheets of paper, I was looking for the BG Color Me Silly with the frogs (got Carter's pic taken with his frog blankie and a few other frog things we have accumulated) of course they don't have it, but there were a couple other sheets I couldn't pass up. Then on to Sam's Club (which is not fun for me or the kids, but had to be done).

Today we needed more fun, but I really needed to get some stuff done around the house. We did fun! We went to Deer Valley and played in the water for half the day. Carter seems to like the water and both K and Linds made some friends for the time we were there. Now everyone is quietly resting. Love that!

Our Easter plans are super simple, brunch with the Johnston family right here in Dodgeville. Then egg hunt at grandpa's, he has 90 eggs to hide this year. Can we say it's getting a little over the top. The kids do have fun and if the sun shows up I may even get a few decent pictures.

Hope everyone else has a wonderful holiday!


Cicada said...

So glad you updated, I've been wondering where you were! Those photos are fantastic Nicole. LOVE the frog ones, and the one with the black background. Beautiful. Ninety eggs??!! Wow! I bet the kids LOVED it.

itsjustshannon said...

Great pictures! Sounds like a busy week....I unfortunately know way too much about crowns and bridges. I can fill you in this weekend. Hope you are feeling better.