Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bad days...

Ever have those days when you feel like you should have just stayed in bed? Well yesterday started out that way, got a little better and then yucky at the end. And now today I am feeling icky all over again.

I think that I have spread myself a bit thin and it is all catching up with me. Kaleb is "Star" student at school. Friday night at my scrap group a friend asked me what that meant. My reply, a whole lotta work for mom! Where did I get the obsessive need to over acheive? Why does every thing I do need to be over the top? I seriously think I need counseling. Oh yeah and dh left for Atlanta this morning, that may have added to the stress level a bit. He's going for an archery trade show and this is the first time in nine years that I haven't gone along. I said I couldn't leave Carter and that it would be fine if we take him. Jeff didnt' agree. So here I sit knowing that I will miss him, but also enjoying the fact that he is gone.

So back to the Star student thing, I made a giant "scrap" page for Kaleb to take to school Monday, used the new QK Revolution to make big letters to spell his name. Love that thing! And today I went into his class and we all made bookmarks. I think the kids had a good time, it turned my additude around for the day. Oh and there was this one little guy who was just intriged by my QK (I let them punch their initial), that made me feel so good. Jeff went in on Monday and brought a bunch of archery stuff, sounded like the kids enjoyed that also. Tomorrow I am having lunch with K (always an adventure), and Friday I am just sending treats. I am glad the week is half way through. Linds is a little bummed that K is getting so much extra attention, but I remind her that she will be a star next year.

I am working at the LSS friday, I even get to do a Scrap 101, very excited about that. Always fun to share the scrap bug with new people.


Cicada said...
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Cicada said...

I *always* get extra crabby when Jeff is out of town. It's hard to be the only parent! Especially when you are missing out on something you used to get to do with him :( Hopefully you can go next year!

Sounds like you definitely were the star parent of the star student! I'm sure I'll get obsessive sometimes about my kids' schoolwork when they're older too. Better that extreme than not caring at all!

Have fun teaching 101 to the newbies!