Thursday, December 07, 2006

My boy the scrapper! Kaleb has been bugging me for way to long about making a new page for his frame that sits on his dresser. Well last night we printed some 4-wheeler pictures, searched for the paper and stickers, found them and then K got busy scrapping. He even trimmed the pictures all by himself with my big trimmer. He was so proud. Couldn't wait to show daddy, unfortunately for K Jeff was gone to archery league and wouldn't be back until after bedtime. K was so funny this morning, he kept asking when he could show daddy. Finally I let him wake Jeff up to show off his creation. There must be a scrappin and gene and it runs rampant at my house!

Busy day today, had an invite to produce. That's what I get for working at the LSS, someone comes in and needs something and well I feel like I just have to do it all myself. Ok so really this was a super easy project, and I had fun. Finished that and now I am getting stuff ready for float creation. Dodgeville's holiday parade is Sat night and the LSS has a float. I voluteered Jeff and his trailer, so nice of me! So here's what we have to do, create a monster (6 ft x 6 ft) page, well a page with no pictures, so I guess you could call it a card front too. I have a great idea in my head and I hope that it works out. Besides our page/car we will also have three christmas trees and a 4 ft inflatable penquin (thanks Chris). I think our float will be fabulous. Just hoping the weather warms up a bit. Bitterly cold today, it was only 2 outside when I dropped the kids off at school. Gotta love that. Posted by Picasa


Michelle said...

What a great layout! He did such a good job, too cute :)

itsjustshannon said...

Awesome layout Kaleb! Great job!

Katie said...

Are you sure you didn't "help" him out with that LO?? Looks great!

Cicada said...

How cute!! I think you have an artist there!

ChristyR said...

Love it!!