Playing with some Black and White conversions (yep it's Photoshop speak again), anyway...
I had the pleasure of attending my Cousin Allison's bridal shower on Sunday. the first pic is of Alli and her big sis Stacy, Alli has the long hair. Aren't they both just beautiful girls. When I was younger these two were my first real babysitting jobs, gosh how time flies. Of course brought the camera along and nominated myself offical picture taker for the day. Had some fun doing artsy shots of the tables and food and such. And of course got a couple shots in of Carter, he is so funny when i try to just take his picture at home or where ever he just runs the opposite direction, but give me a few willing subjects and he jumps in front of the camera shouting "picture me, mommy" crazy boy!
1 comment:
Ahhhhh you are having a lot of fun I see. You are officially hooked! Looks awesome!
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