Friday, October 03, 2008

No news is good news???? Right???

So we made an offer on the house, check it out here. And today I am waiting for the phone to ring, it's NOT RINGING!! I have a million and one things I could be doing, but nope I am just waiting for the phone, waiting and waiting... ok so you get the picture.

Nothing else to exciting is going on in our world, this really is enough though. Carter turned two the other day, gosh it goes by so quickly, next year I will start him at pre-school and then before I know it he will be almost to 5th grade, or worse a senior in High School. Kaleb and Linds are doing great they are both enjoying school very much. Kaleb had a rough start, but we seem to have worked things out and he's happy too. We have teacher conferences next week I am excited to hear what their teachers think of them.

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