Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Wow it is amazing how just a little sunshine can brighten your day, well and roses from the hubby helps too! It's our aniversary today, 9 years and we haven't killed each other yet. I think I may have guilted him into sending these to me, but oh well I still love 'em!

So thinking back 9 years, I remember first the weather because it was sunny and warm, like 60 degrees warm, I remember walking across the street to church without a jacket, that wouldn't happen today. I really need to start working on my wedding scrapbook. I have been collecting supplies for it, for almost 5 years now, I look at the pictures every now and again, but I never get the urge to do something with them, is that weird??? Anyway I am excited that Jeff and I have made it this far and I hope for many many more years to come.

Busy day today, been running in circles since I got up, had a few things in my head I wanted to put on here, but as of this second I can't remember a one.

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itsjustshannon said...

Beautiful flowers! Happy Anniversary!

Katie said...

Hey Happy Day girl...all hubbys need a little coaxing here and there. Can't hurt! :)