Monday, February 04, 2008

So miss Lindsay is the star at school this week, lots of fun! In her room there is a special star board that has spots to put photos but Linds would have nothing of that. She is so very creative, straight out of her mouth that came last night and well we needed to do a board like her brother had last year. Ok now this Linds board was much less stressful on mom. Kaleb he's not all that into crafting stuff, rare occasions he gets into it, I did his all on my own. Linds, as soon as we started going through pictures, I think had an idea in her head of what she wanted. I helped stick the pictures down and she did the rest. Lots of coloring and stickers and it was beautiful! Tomorrow and Thursday when I am too busy with extra babies Linds will take treats to school and on Wed I'll go in and have lunch with her, then Friday is the big day. We were going to make valentine cards for a mom or dad, but today her teacher told me she hadn't had any ideas for valentine bags for the class. Alright I can do that! Ordered some fun stuff from Oriental Trading this am and we are going to make the cutest bags ever! I think I will have them either punch or stamp their names on the bags and then it will be a free for all with paper, stickers, and foam hearts!

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