Friday, February 23, 2007

It's 4 am and I'm bloggin!

Get this the babe is sound asleep and I'm not! Not sure why, well no I know why I can't sleep but I won't bore you will the trivial stuff of my silly life. Oh wait that's what this blog is all about the silly trivial stuff, imagine that.

But anyway...

Exciting news to share CKU and blogging buddie Christine opened up an online scrapping store! Check her out at Tallyscrapper, I added the link at the right too. I did a little surfing there yesterday and it looks so cool. She has a message board and gallery and these things called tally points and flowers not sure what that's about cuz I didn't get much time to play, but knowing Christine it will be awesome.

Gotta get myself motivated to get organized for the days Scrapmania, I can't wait to see the gals and well I haven't been all that jazzed about scrappin. I have tons of stuff I want and need to do just no mojo. I think it will make me happy just to sit and watch others scrap and chat. But I really should bring a couple things to work on right??? And yes Julie I will be bringing the QK Revolution with my new Blossom font! I may even let you play with it!

So what else can I gab about, well K's conference went well. We got to meet his reading teacher and she's ok. He seems to be making progress and they are going to do some more screening just to rule out learning disabilities and stuff like that. He is far enough behind in reading that he will now do reading group twice a day. My only problem with this is him getting behind with the other classroom stuff. They have a rule that if they don't get their classroom assignments done they don't got out for recess. Now for the child that is messing around and just causing problems I don't have a problem with the policy. Makes kids realize they need to do their work in a timely manor just like the real world, but for K is it fair that he misses recess almost daily because he is out of the class for a full hour everyday??? The good thing is he doesn't seem to mind. I have never once heard him complain about missing recess, in fact if his teacher hadn't told me about the policy I would have never know that he misses so many. Both teachers said he is a delightful little guy, very kind and very well behaved. So at least I'm doing something right.

I think I will head into the scrap land now and pick out some things for tonight.


itsjustshannon said...

Sorry you were awake sooooo early. Sounds like you are doing all the right things for Kaleb and they are looking at different things. Bummer about the recess thing.....I wonder if they could fit the time in somewhere it wouldn't be missed?

ChristyR said...

Yikes that's early!
I am jealous that you guys are getting together-again! I'm way down here in Texas and it just seems so unfair! Have a great time and thank you for the link!

Julie said...

Thanks for popping buy my blog and for your lovely comment.

Hope you have a great time at your scrappy day.