Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Freakin out today, we have teacher conferences tonight and well Kaleb is struggling and I am not really fond of the way that our school teaches things or of some of the rules they have. I do however love his teacher so that is why this is so hard. I keep second guessing myself. See K did Kindergarten twice and now I am thinking that I should have had him do two years of first grade instead. They just learn or need to learn so much more for first grade. Why is that??? I was reading the paper the other day and there was an article with questions and answers for four people running for mayor. Of course schools are always a big issue, well question was how do we find more funding or something along those lines. The last answer from a, in my opinion, freaky candidate really struck me as interesting. He stated something about why are we spending so much $$ for computer edu on elementary students when we should be teaching them the basics so they have mastered that first. Yes I do think knowing computers is important, but does it really help my 5 yr old to know more than me??? What has happened to the basics??? Some of the homework K brings home I don't even understand and well I should be able to understand first grade homework. Ok I am ranting and well I just wish sometimes I had the patience to homeschool.

Linds on the other hand is the easy one, she is already doing everything that K is and understanding it all too. She I think will florish in the public school environment, that is if she doesn't end up to much of a socialite. this all makes me wonder what Carter will be like???

I think I will just enjoy Carter the way he is and try and keep him the baby for as long as I can. No need to push him to grow. Although all of this ranting could be coming from the fact that I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in three weeks. Carter had shots at the begining of the month and since then we are up 5 to 10 times a night. Not sure what to do we have tried it all or I have that is. Just hoping that he out grows what ever is going on and soon.

I am way looking forward to scrappin this weekend, doing the Archivers scrapmania Friday night with Shannon, Katie and Julie. Haven't done one of these before so not sure what to expect but with the girls I know we will have a great time no matter what. Then Katie, Julie and I are spending the night at the Hilton next door. Does anyone know if they have a hot tub??? I really should check out the web site.


Cicada said...

Heh, why does everything seem so much more stressful when you're not getting good sleep?! It's the truth though.

I was helping out a friend tonight by printing her kiddo's report for them since their printer just died. She was so stressed out from helping her 9-yr old complete his paper over the past couple days. I know that is in my future and I fear it!! I loved leaving homework deadlines & stress behind as an adult, and now soon I have to worry about all that again?! Ugh.

I hope Carter starts sleeping better soon!!!!!!!

Katie said...

That computer edu thing is a good point. Basics are critical! There are some seriously flawed learning theories out there..some worse than others. Sometimes the schools get so caught up in them they loose perspective of the big picture. The worst part is that they fail to recognize that different learning styles need to be addressed with different kids. I could go on an on about this stuff...I feel your pain sista! I am really not looking forward to all that stress either.

BUT I am soooo looking forward to this weekend!! :)

itsjustshannon said...

I know that 1st grade math can be baffling at times too....Kevin always seems to leave the math stuff for me to do with Drew. The "everyday math" thing can throw me. Keep working with Kaleb and the teachers and he'll be ok. Don't be afraid to ask them for additional things to work on or maybe some other extra help that he might be able to get. Several friends I have are teachers and they always encourage those kids that it doesn't come as easy to for some additional help.

Looking forward to seeing you Friday!